Your furniture needs to go along with the size of your patio and with the amount of hosting and entertaining that you do as well. For family gatherings, one big table is enough for a more intimate and casual interaction. But if you often hold friendly parties, you would need quite a number of tables so your friends could interact among themselves and with different people.
Food is always involved in social gatherings so it is best to keep your table in the vicinity of the food service area so that you would not have a hard time serving and refilling the food and drinks. Other things like the grill may be well-kept beside it.
It is also trendy to put up a small bar set in your patio for some friendly drinks. They may be used not only as a bar but as storage units and extended tables as well for those really big parties.
Bistro tables are also an option. They are of great use when holding personal and romantic gatherings. They make your guests feel more intimate especially when they have a date with them.

For patios that are not much in size, you could rely on chairs and side tables. These tables may be used as decorative furniture as well as a place for food no matter how small they are. They are perfect for snacks, coffee, and tea and give out an inviting and homely appeal to the area.
You may even want to install a lounge chair in your patio so as to foster a relaxing and comfortable ambiance. There are times when you just want to sit back, lie down, and enjoy your free time munching on some food and drinks. This may be well done with the help of lounge chairs.
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